
Medal of Alfonso XII, Medal of Alfonso XIII

Postal Merit Silver Medal (1916)

Catalonia Medal of General Joffre (1916) & Solidarity Medal (1906)

Mendigorria (1835), Somaten Patron of Montserrat (1904), Century of Zaragoza (1908), Century of Gerona (1909), and Century of Cadiz (1910)

Medal of Astroga (1910), Somaten Long Service (1918), Homage to the Crown (1926), Sea Rescue Medal (1931-1975)

Falange Youth Medal (1945) and Magitrate Syndicate Medal

Fire Fighter's Medal and Medal of Civil Protection

Catalan Volunteers (1914) & Order of Political Merit

SEU-Victor medal (1952),
and Boy Scout Medal

Justice Medal, Medal of the Old Guard and Medal for 25 Years of Peace

Falange Medal

Blue Division Widow's Medal, Defense of Oviedo (1936-7), Medal of Labor 1926 and Medal of Bilbao (1874)and 2nd War of Independence 1938(improper ribbon)

Merit to the Country (Troop Medal)
and Female Section Homage to the Army

Alfonso XII Bravery Medal, Union and Concordia Society Medal
& SEU Cross of Honor

Merit Medal of Saving (1947) on wrong ribbon &
25th Anniversary of the Feminine Section of the Falange
Labor Medal